NOTE: March 15, 2020:
All in-person ABFE events have been suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic
May 25, 2021
Topic of the event: The U.S.-EU Economic Relationship: The Reigning World Champion in Trade (Goods/Services) and Foreign Direct Investment. Presentation of "The Transatlantic Economy 2021 Study". Annual Survey of Jobs, Trade and Investment between the United States and Europe
Speaker: Joseph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, The Transatlantic Network - TLN
The event will be held on Cisco Webex at 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. EST. Event Password: STUDY2021
Register for FREE
Joseph Quinlan is managing director and head of market & thematic strategy for the Global Wealth & Investment Management (GWIM) division of Bank of America which includes Merrill Lynch Wealth Management and U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management, where he serves as chief market strategist providing economic and market insights, guiding overall investment strategy, both domestically and globally. In this role, Joe leads a team responsible for global market analysis and thematic research in support of asset allocation and portfolio construction among portfolio managers and other investment associates. He is frequently cited in such media venues as Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and the Financial Times.
Mr. Quinlan began his career with Merrill Lynch and served as a senior global economist/strategist for Morgan Stanley. Mr. Quinlan lectures on finance and global economics at Fordham University and regularly lectures at various universities around the world, including Wuhan University in China, where he is a visiting professor. In 1998, he was nominated as an Eisenhower Fellow. Presently, he is a Senior Fellow at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. and a Senior Fellow at the German Marshal Fund in Brussels, Belgium. In 2006, the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union awarded Mr. Quinlan the 2006 Transatlantic Business Award for his research on U.S.-Europe economic ties. In 2007, he was a recipient of the European-American Business Council Leadership award for his research on the transatlantic partnership and global economy.
Mr. Quinlan regularly debriefs policy makers and legislators on Capitol Hill on global trade and economic issues. He has testified before the European Parliament. He is the author, co-author, or contributor to over twenty books. He has published more than 125 articles on economics, trade and finance that have appeared in such venues as Foreign Affairs, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and Barron's. He regularly appears on CNBC, as well as Bloomberg television, PBS and other media venues. He has earned his B.A. in Political Science/International Affairs from Niagara University and M.A. in International Political Economics and Development from Fordham University. |
December 17, 2019: Prof Patric Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business, Columbia University, Centre of Economic Policy Research. A Decade After the Fall of Lehman Brothers: How Did the Banking Landscape Change in the U.S. and Europe |
October 28, 2019: John Shin, Senior G10 FX Strategist, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch Global Research. European Currencies in 2020. Is There a Deal to be Made? |
July 2, 2019: Joseph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced Inernational Studies. Don't be misled! U.S.-EU Trade and Investments are Number One. Event is coorganized with the American Council on Germany. |
May 8, 2019: Alexis Crow, Lead, Geopolitical Investing Practice, PriceweaterhouseCoopers, Senior Fellow & Guest Lecturer, Columbia Business School & Columbia SIPA, Columbia University; and Sarwar A. Kashmeri, Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Norwich University, Fellow, Foreign Policy Association; Author of the new book: China's Grand Strategy: Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy. China's New 21st Century Silk Road to Europe. All You Need to Know about the "Belt and Road Initiative" |
December 6, 2018: Prof. Alastair Sutton, Barrister, Brick Court Chambers, London & Brussels, and Claudia Arnaz, International Trade Advisor, CCI International Grand Est, Enterprise Europe Network Strasbourg. Last Exit: Brexit. Everything you need to know about the UK leaving the EU and what it means for International Business |
October 10, 2018: Duncan Bureau, President, Air Canada Rouge. Ready for Takeoff. The Rise of Low-Cost Carriers. Does It Change the Landscape of Transatlantic Air Travel? |
September 13, 2018: Jean Ergas, Chief Economist, Tigress Financial Partners, Member FINRA, SIPC and MSRB. Risk Management in Transatlantic Trade: Assessing and Managing Challenges on Both Sides of the Atlantic |
May 3, 2018: Gerald J. Ferguson, Partner, Baker & Hostetler LLP. Are You Ready for GDPR? You Better Be. (EU General Data Protection Regulation). The World of Data after the Implementation on May 25, 2018. What Does it all Mean for International Business? |
March 5, 2018: Tim Bennett, Director-General/CEO, Trans-Atlantic Business Council. The Future of US Trade with the Rest of the World. Trade Agreement Changes, Terminations or Continuation of Business as Usual? |
November 6, 2017: Edward Alden, Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations. Author of the new book: "Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy. Will America Have a Role in the Global Economy: Competitive Industries, Reforming Intrernational Rules & New Wordforce Skills. |
October 17, 2017: Michael P. Ryan, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, UBS Wealth Management. When Will the Music Stop? Inside the Current State of the U.S. and EU Economies |
September 28, 2017: Tamur Goudarzi Pour, Vice President Sales - The Americas, Lufthansa Group. The Airline Industry in 2017: Addressing Key Challenges in Customer Satisfaction, Competition and Technology |
May 4, 2017: Ambassador João Vale de Almeida, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations. Year of Dramatic Change: How does the European Union Respond? |
April 13, 2017: Joselph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. 11th Annual Executive Briefing 'The Transatlantic Economy'. The Transatlantic Economy 2017. Despite the Turmoil, the Transatlantic Economy is Picking Up Steam. New insights from the latest annual study "The Transatlantic Economy 2017" by the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins Unversity |
March 8, 2017: Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Economics, Columbia University. Can the European Union Survive the Euro? |
January 25, 2017: Ambassador Miriam Sapiro, Partner and Head of Finsbury's Washington DC Office in discussion with Sven C. Oehme, President, American Business Forum on Europe. After the Inauguration: The New U.S. Administration and Its Impact on EU-U.S. Economic Relations |
November 17, 2016: Giselle Leung, Director, GIIN - Global Impact Investing Network, and Jamie Martin, Vice President, Global Sustainable Finance Group, Morgan Stanley. Is Socially Responsible Investing Good for Business? The Latest Trends on the Market for Altruism in the U.S., Europe and Asia |
September 19, 2016: Kendall Almerico, Chief Executive Officer, BankRoll Ventures. The New World of Crowdfunding. Raising Money through Internet-Based Funding Portals and the Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Companies |
May 26, 2016: Cameron Fr. Kerry, Senior Counsel, Sidley Austin LLP; Former General Counsel and Acting Secretary, United States Department of Commerce. The U.S.-EU Privacy Shield: How Will it Affect Trans-Atlantic Data Transfers? |
March 22, 2016: Joseph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. The Transatlantic Economy 2016. With or without T-TIP: The U.S. and Europe remain each other's most important markets. New insights from the latest annual study "The Transatlantic Economy 2016" by the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University |
February 16, 2016: Matthew Chung, Managing Director, CIO of Technology & Infomration Risk, Head of Cybersecurity, Morgan Stanley; Merritt Baer, Cyber Security, DHS, Washington, D.C.; and Clifford Richardson, Chief Operating Officer, Atomicorps, Inc. Cyber Security in the United States, Europe and Asia: What has been done so far to protect companies and public institutions |
February 3, 2016: Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations. The Crucial Challenges for Europe: Immigration, Terrorism, Global Competitiveness |
January 12, 2016: Welcome 2016 Reception. The Story of Jacob Fugger. "Not even John D. Rockefeller had that kind of wealth". Insights from the new book: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived. The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger by Greg Steinmetz. |
December 2, 2015: Gillian Tett, U.S. Managing Editor, The Financial Times. The Perils of Specialization. Differences between Major European and U.S. Corporations. Insights from the new book: The Silo Effect. The Peril of Expertise and the Promise of Breaking Down Barriers |
October 6, 2015: Prof. Mark Blyth, Eastman Professor of Political Economy, The Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Co-Author of the new book "The Future of the Euro"; Prof. Matthias M. Matthijs, Assistant Professor of International Political Ecxonomy, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Co-Author of the new book "The Future of the Euro"; Lisa Shalett, Managing Director and Head of Investment and Portfolio Solutions, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. The Future of the Euro. What Investors, Consumers and the Business World Need to Know Now |
September 17, 2015: Jean Rosanvallon, President and CEO, Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation. The Future of Business Aviation. New Trends and Developments in the U.S., Europe and Asia |
June 9, 2015: The Rt Hon David Miliband, President and CEO, International Rescue Commmittee. Decade of Disorder: Can Anything Be Done? |
May 11, 2015: His Excellency Kairat Umarov, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the US, The Honorable Raushan Yesbulatova, Consul General of Kazakhstan, New York City, and Marcia Favale-Tartar, Member of the Board of Directors, Development Bank of Kazakhstan. Getting to Know Kazakhstan, the Region and its Business & Investment Opportunities |
March 24, 2015: Joseph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. The Transatlantic Economy 2015. Continuing Record Numbers and the Opportunity for a Once-In-A-Life-Time Trade Deal. New insights from the latest annual study "The Transatlantic Economy 2015" by the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University |
February 12, 2015: Ambassador David O'Sullivan, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United States, Washington, D.C. Transatlantic Relations in 2015: Are the Differences Greater than the Common Core? |
January 20, 2015: Dr. Mario R. Garcia, CEO & Founder, Garcia Media, Senior Adviser on News Design/Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, School of Journalism. The Future of Global News Delivery - Design and Concepts for the Digital Age |
January 15, 2015: Christina Sevilla, Ph.D., Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative, Small Business, Market Access and Industrial Competitiveness, Executive Office of the President. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP): Opportunities for Small and Medium Business |
December 4, 2014: Christopher A.H. Vollmer, Global Managing Director, Strategy&'s Digital Services, Partner and Leader, Global Media and Entertainment, Strategy& (Formerly Booz Company, now part of the PwC network of firms). Reimagining TV in an On-Demand World: New User Trends and Business Models in the Digital Video Industry in the U.S. and Europe |
October 21, 2014: Peter Brezinschek, Chief Economist of Raiffeisen Research, Global Head of RBI Group Research, Raiffeisen Bank International AG. Long-Term Challenges for Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. What Does It All Mean for U.S. Businesses? |
September 29, 2014: Dr. Berend Diekmann, Head of Division, External Economic Policy, USA, Canada, Mexico, G8/G20, OECD, Federal Ministry of Economic and Technology, Federal Republic of Germany. The Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement: Does It Still Have Support in Europe? |
September 22, 2014: Jürgen Siebenrock, Vice President - The Americas, Lufthansa German Airlines. The Changing Business Environment in the Airline Industry in Europe and the U.S.: What Can the Traveler Expect? |
September 10, 2014: Jonathan Spector, President and Chief Ececutive Officer, The Conference Board. Opportunities and Challenges across the Global Economy: U.S., Europe and China |
July 21, 2014: Rebecca H. Patterson, Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer, Bessemer Trust. The Longer Term Valulation of the Dollar, Euro, Yen & Renminbi: How Should it Influence our Investment and Private Wealth Outlook? |
June 30, 2014: Lisa Schroeter, Global Director, Trade and Investment Policy, The Dow Chemical Company. Manufacturing Competitiveness: How trade, energy security and regulatory cooperation boost advanced manufacturing in the U.S. and EU |
June 9, 2014: Salvatore A. Collemi, CPA, Director - Technique & Innovaton Team, WeiserMazars LLP. The Latest on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). What it Means to Private and Publicly-Traded Companies that do Business Both in the U.S. and in Europe |
May 13, 2014: Christopher Graves, Global CEO, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide. Can You Really Sell a Country or a Continent? Boosting Trade & Investment for the European Union through the Art and Science of "Nation Branding" |
April 17, 2014: Prof. Uwe Reinhardt, Ph.D., Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, James Madison Professor for Political Economy, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs. The U.S. Health Care Reform. Who Pays for It? What Does It Mean for the Economy? |
April 1, 2014: Joseph P. Quinlan, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. 8th Annual Executive Briefing "The Transatlantic Economy". The Transatlantic Economy: Why It Matters More Than Ever. $5 trillion in total commercial sales a year. Europe attracted 56% of U.S. global foreign direct investment since 2000. New insights from the latest annual study "The Transatlantic Economy 2014" by the Center for Transatlatntic Relations, Johns Hopkins University. |
February 3, 2014: Ambassador Miriam Sapiro, Deputy United States Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President. A Trade Policy for Jobs and Growth. How a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Will Achieve This. |
December 2, 2013: Sven C. Oehme, President & CEO, The European-American Business Organization, Inc. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Dream and Reality: Checking the Facts |
November 25, 2013: Marshall Porter, Vice President International, GILT. The Fast-Moving World of E-Commerce. New Developments, Global Trends and the Challenges of Cross-Border Regulatory Issues |
September 23, 2013: The Hon. Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy. Ready to Join? Perspectives on Further Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy |
September 17, 2013: Robert G. Romasco, President, AARP. The Impact of Aging on Economic Development in the U.S. and Europe |
June 10, 2013: Jérôme de Bontin, General Manager, New York Red Bulls. Some Call it Soccer - Some Call it Football. Challenges and Opportunities of Competing in the U.S. Sports Market with a piece of European Tradition. |
May 13, 2013: Dr. Andreas Hoefert, Chief Global Economist, UBS, Wealth Management Research (WMR). Where Do We Stand in the Euro-Crisis? |
April 2, 2013: Joseph P. Quinlan, Economist and Chief Global Market Strategist, Investment Strategies Group, Bank of America. It's not just Trade - Transatlantic Investment: Still Driving the Transatlantic Economy. New insights in the latest annual study "The Transatlantic Economy 2013" by the Center for Transatlantc Relations, Johns Hopkins University |
March 5, 2013: Ambassador Francois Barras, Consul General, Consulate General of Switzerland, New York City. A Close Look at Switzerland: In the Heart of Europe but Outside the EU. A Place Where U.S. Companies Like to Do Business |
February 7, 2013: Prof. Marvin Zonis, Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. The U.S. Economy: Once More the Global Engine? Europe, Asia and the Middle East to Benefit. |
January 16, 2013: Richard R. Valcourt, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence. International Commercial Spy Operations and their Impact on U.S.-EU Business |
December 11, 2012: Christopher J. Galuppo, J.D., CPA, Partner, Northeast International Tax, Grant Thornton LLP. U.S. Tax Considerations in International Business - An Update with Emphasis on U.S. - EU Issues. |
December 6, 2012: Gillian Tett, Assistant Editor & Columnist of The Financial Times.The U.S. and Europe in Challenging Economic Times of Ballooned Deficits and Meager Growth: Will 2013 Bring a Solution? |
September 18, 2012: Scott Horton, Columbia Law School, Contributing Editor, Harper's Magazine, Board Member: Eurasia Group, National Institute of Military Justice and International Law Association. The Latest on "Authoritarian Democracies" and other News from Eastern Europe and Russia. What U.S. investors should know! |
July 23, 2012: Art Steinmetz, Chief Investment Officer and Executive Vice President, OppenheimerFunds, Inc. The Future of Asset Management. A National and International Perspective. |
July 13, 2012: The Hon. Dr. Andreas Schwab, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats), EPP-Coordinator, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. The U.S.-EU High-Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth. Moving towards a Free Trade and Investment Treaty. The Role of the European Parliament. |
June 13, 2012: Joseph P. Quinlan, Economist and Chief Global Market Strategist, Investment Strategies Group, Bank of America. The Case for Investing in Europe - Why U.S. Firms Should Stay the Course |
May 23, 2012: Salvatore A. Collemi, CPA, Quality Control Senior Manager, Rothstein Kass. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the United States: It's Just a Matter of Time! |
May 14, 2012: Douglas Peterson, President, Standard & Poor's Rating Services. The Role of the Rating Agencies: Why they are so important for International Business |
April 2, 2012: Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations. Strengthening Europe's Role. Perspectives on the EU-UN Partnership |
March 26, 2012: Rob de Vos, Consul General, Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New York City. The Intriguing Story of an Effective Partnership. What is the Secret? Why did the U.S. invest nine times more in Holland than in China (2000-2010)? |
March 12, 2012: Joint event with Forum Tiberius, International Forum for Culture and Business, Dresden, Germany. The 5th International Piano Competition Anton G. Rubinstein. Remarks by Dr. Juergen B. Muelder, Chairman, Forum TIberius, Partner, Board Consultants International. |
February 22, 2012: Ludwig Willisch, President and CEO, BMW North America, LLC. U.S. Automobile Sales are Gaining Speed. BMW's Success Story in the United States Creating New Plants, Jobs and Innovative Technology. |
December 5, 2011: Sven C. Oehme, President & CEO, The European-American Business Organization, Inc., and Member of the Executive Board of Directors, Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD). Postcards from the U.S.-EU Summit and the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC). Marching in Step? Where is the U.S.-EU relationship heading? |
November 8, 2011: Jan-Patrick Schmitz, President & CEO, Montblanc North America, LLC. Why Luxury Goods Are Exceeding Marketing Expectations in the U.S. and Europe |
October 18, 2011: Peter Hirsch, Executive Vice President, Director Reputation Risk, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University and Baruch College, City University of New York. How New Communication Channels Change Public Relations. |
September 21, 2011: Connie Hedegaard, European Union Commissioner for Climate Action. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Promoting International Carbon Trading: The Stakes for Business. |
September 15, 2011: Members-only get-together and discussion. A conversation with Ms. Paulina Dejmek, Brussels, the principal advisor to the EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier. |
May 19, 2011: Beatrice De Bacco, Representative of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Office in the U.S. The Venetian Variety. From Tourism to Nanotechnology. Trade and Investment Opportunities in Veneto, a Vibrant Italian Region with Venice, Padua, Verona, Vicenza and Treviso as the Main Commercial Hubs. |
May 16, 2011: Bart Godon, Partner, K&L Gates LLP, Washington, D.C. Former U.S. Representative for Tennessee's 6th Congressional District and Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology. How to Connect Two Worlds. The Bridge-Building Dynamics of Science and Technology for U.S. - EU Business. |
April 26, 2011: Joseph P. Quinlan, Economist and Chief Global Market Strategist, Investment Strategies Group, Bank of America. Against All Odds and Contrary to the Rumor Mill: The Transatlantic Economy Keeps Steaming Ahead in 2011. |
April 4, 2011: Georges Ugeux, Chairman & CEO, Galileo Global Advisors, Former Group Executive Vice President, International, New York Stock Exchange, and Jens G. Korte, Wall Street Correspondent for the News Channels N-TV and Deutsche Welle (Germany) and SF DRS (Switzerland). Wall Street Goes Europe - Europe Goes Wall Street? The Challenges of TV reporting to Europeans from the NYSE floor and the latest on the NYSE Euronext / Deutsche Boerse Merger Talks. |
March 1, 2011: Gillian Tett, U.S. Managing Editor of the Financial Times. The U.S. vs. EU: Stimulus vs. Austerity: Who Has the Winning Concept. |
February 15, 2011: Anthony Dowd, Special Assistant to Paul A. Volcker. The President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board under the Chairmanship of Paul A. Volcker. An Overview of the Financial Regulatory Reforms. |
December 9, 2010: The Hon. Maros Sefcovic, Vice-President of the European Commission for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administrations. Exit Strategies from the Economic Crisis. A European Viewpoint. |
November 22, 2010: Matthias Paul Kuhlmey, Partner & Managing Director, HighTower LLC. Are Global Currency Wars Upon Us? The Next Big Theme: Purchasing Power Protection - Opportunity and Risk when Investing? |
October 5, 2010: Salvatore A. Collemi, CPA, Senior Manager, Quality Control Department, Rothstein Kass. Get Ready: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Soon to Change the Accounting World. What It Will Do to Transatlantic Business. |
September 13, 2010: The Hon. Marijan Gubic, Consul General of the Republic of Croatia, New York. Croatia: A Place in the Sun. The Next EU Member State as an Investment Location for U.S. Companies. Click here to read the presentation |
June 30, 2010: H.E Aglaia Balta, Consul General of Greece in New York. How Greece is Managing the Crisis. The Latest Developments. |
June 1, 2010: Greg Zorthian, President of the Americas and Global Circulation Director, The Financial Times. The Future of Business Media: Challenges and Opportunities. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
April 19, 2010: Prof. Volker R. Berghahn, Seth Low Professor of History at Columbia University, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Modern Economics and the Nemesis of History. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
March 1, 2010: Joseph P. Quinlan, Economist and Chief Global Market Strategist, Investment Strategies Group, Bank of America. The Latest on Jobs, Trade and Investments in 2010. Brand new insights form a study just released by the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University. Click here to read the full presentation | VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
February 16, 2010: Craig A. Drill, President & Founder, Craig Drill Capital, and Steven H. Reynolds, Chief Investment Officer, Craig Drill Capital. The Financial and Economic Outlook 2010. U.S.A., Europe & Asia. Click here to read the full presentation | VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
January 26, 2010: Terry Edmonds, Former Director of Speechwriting for President Bill Clinton. When U.S. Presidents or CEO's Are Going Abroad. The Art of Adjusting U.S. Public Policy and Corporate Matters for Global Audiences. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
December 8, 2009: Members only event. Peter Schwaiger, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the United Nations in New York, and Sven C. Oehme, ABFE President. The European Union in 2010: Big Chances and High Expectations on Both Sides of the Atlantic.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
November 30, 2009: Mark Fulton, Global Head of Climate Investment Research, Deutsche Bank AG. The Green Economy. Where are the Business Opportunities in the U.S. and Europe? VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
November 16, 2009: Sam Natapoff, Senior Adviser of NY State for International Commerce, Deputy Commissioner for International Development, NYS Department of Economic Development, and Senior Vice President, International Economic Development, Empire State Development Corporation. The U.S. Stimulus Package and What it Means for American States and International Companies. Great Opportunities for Joint European-American Corporate Efforts to Become Eligible under the Program. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
October 27, 2009: Doris Albisser, CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors, CLS Communication, AG. "Lost in Translation?" How to Communicate Effectively in a Multilingual Global Environment.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
September 24, 2009: The Hon. Tonio Borg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta. "Old Routes - New Opportunities." Malta's Past Important International Role for more than 2000 Years in the EU/Mediterranean/African Arena and How the Modern Malta Benefits Business. |
June 3, 2009: Donald M. Blinken, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary. "Vera and the Ambassador". The Glamour and Challenges of the Ambassadorial Couple Blinken to Hungary (1994-1998) - A Personal View on Hungary and its People. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
May 15, 2009: The Hon. Jonathan Evans, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Conservative Party Member from Wales, UK,
EU Delegation for Relations with U.S. Congress,
Co-Chair, Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue. Fortifying the Border: Looming Protectionism in the EU and the U.S. The Importance of the Dialogue between the European Parliament and the U.S. Congress and the Role of the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC). VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
April 27, 2009: Klaus-Peter Statz
- President & CEO,
Deutsche Telekom, Inc.. [Deutsche Telekom is the Parent Company of T-Mobile] The Global Wireless Revolution - 4 Billion Users In 25 Years and the Industry’s Continuing Importance for Economic Growth and Job Creation VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
March 24, 2009: James E. Glassman, Ph.D. - Senior Economist and Managing Director J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.. The Future of Banking A National and International Perspective. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
March 9, 2009: Joseph P. Quinlan,Economist and Chief Global Market Strategist, Investment Strategies, Bank of America. A Year of Living Dangerously:
The 2009 Survey of Jobs,
Trade and Investments.
New insights from a study just released by the Center of Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
March 5, 2009: Larry Kellner, Chairman & CEO
Continental Airlines In. Leadership through Challenging Times: Addressing Concerns of Customers, Shareholders and Employees.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
February 23, 2009: Michael B. Goodman, Ph.D.,
Professor, Baruch College, The City University of New York
Management Consultant on Corporate Communication,
Founder & Director,
Corporate Communication International (CCI). Global Corporate Communication in a Time of Crisis. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
January 29, 2009: Pierre Vimont, Ambassador of the French Republic to the United States. The French Presidency of the European Union: Some Lessons for the Future.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
January 15, 2009: Members only event. Ambassador Fernando Valenzeula, Head of the Delegation of the EU to the United Nations, and Sven. C. Oehme, ABFE President. The "To do list" of the EU for 2009. What does it mean for Business? VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
November 17, 2008: John Gapper, Associate Editor & Chief Business Commentator,
The Financial Times. The World Economic Crisis- Lessons to be Learned. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
October 20, 2008: Scott Horton, Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School. The August 2008 War in Georgia. Lessons to be Learned - Implications for Business. VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
September 26, 2008: Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU Commissioner for External Relations, Brussels. International Conflict Resolution and Its Importance for Business. How the EU deals with global crises. Click here for the speech by Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner.
June 2, 2008: Jon Levy, Chief Analyst for Europe and Eurasia, The Eurasia Group, Global Political Risk Advisory. Russia, China, Energy and Climate Change.The Major Economic and Strategic Challenges for the EU and the U.S.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
May 19, 2008: Sven Oehme, CEO & President, The European-American Business Organization, Inc., Pierre Pettigrew, CFA, Director, FI Structured Products, Citi, and James Meyers, CFA, VP-Private Client Investment Strategy Group - International Markets, Citi. Strong Euro + Weak Dollar = Higher Returns:The Perfect Time to Sell to 320 Million European Customers. |
April 7, 2008: H. E. Klaus Scharioth, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the U.S. The German Presidency of the EU and the G8 in 2007. Important Initiatives for the Future Based on Transatlantic Cooperation.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
March 25, 2008: Alexis de Bretteville, CEO of the Americas, Michael Page International, Executive Recruitment. Risks and Opportunities of Managing an International Career, Finding High-Potential Executive Talent on both Sides of the Atlantic. |
March 10, 2008: Dr. Martha Matteo, Board Member and Immediate Past President, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, Former Director of R&D Planning, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, and Marc Limacher, President, I.S.I.S., Integrated Strategic Information Systems, Tannay, Switzerland. What's New in Competitive Intelligence: Keeping Track of What the Competition is Doing. Difference Perspectives, U.S. and Europe.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
January 24, 2008: Dr. Daniel S. Hamilton, Professor and Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations (CTR) at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University. The Primacy of the Transatlantic Economy: Will it Continue? New Perspectives on the Powerful EU-U.S. Economic Relationship.VIEW PHOTOS FROM THIS EVENT |
January 14, 2008: Roger M. Kubarych, Chief U.S. Economist, Unicredit Markets & Investment Banking, HVB - Bayerische Hypo & Vereinsbank AG. How the Subprime Loan Crisis Might Impact the Transatlantic Economy in 2008. |
The ABFE is an affiliate of the European-American Business Organization, Inc. (EABO), a consulting firm that specializes in transatlantic business development, event marketing, and international tax services.
The European Commission appointed the European-American Business Organization, Inc. as the first Euro Info Correspondence Center (EICC) in the U.S. in 2005. It is now part of the successful organization called Enterprise Europe Network. Click here for more information. |